Simplifying the Functions of LOOTaDOG: The First Pet Walk-to-Own App

6 min readAug 3, 2022

What if you can gain tokens just by doing what you love, i.e., walking your pet DOG daily? LOOTaDOG makes that possible for you and your furry friend.

LOOTaDOG brings an exciting Walk-to-own revolution to pet DOGs and DOG lovers.

What is LOOTaDOG?

LOOTaDOG is a Walk-to-own App. Walk your dog in real life to own rewards for your furbaby. Best of all 10% of all Walk-to-own rewards are automatically donated to charity.

The LOOTaDOG team hopes to encourage DOG owners to spend time walking with their DOGs using the LOOTaDOG App. LOOTaDOG will also release a gaming mode — a LOOTaDOG Combat Mode — in the later stages of the project.

With the LOOTaDOG App, users will be rewarded to walk their DOGs and use the LOOTaDOG App. They can gain rewards and use these later to help them win Combats. A portion of the project profits will also go to pet charities.

Is LOOTaDOG the first Walk-to-own project for DOGs?

Yes! Taking inspiration from move-to-own (M2E) Apps, LOOTaDOG is now developing the first pet Walk-to-own App. We take the simple habit of walking your dog, and turn that into an income-generating activity.

How does the LAD app work?

Our app is currently in development. It will have several features in different stages of its launch.

Walk-to-own rewards for the User

The first version of the LOOTaDOG App will highlight our Walk-to-Own feature. DOG owners will be able to track their walking time as they stroll with their DOGs. The longer they walk together, the more they gain rewards.

Limited Release GPS Collar for Dogs

To encourage actual DOG activity, the LOOTaDOG team will also release an official LOOTaDOG GPS collar. When DOGs wear this collar while walking with their master, the DOG owner will gain extra points in the LOOTaDOG app.

Virtual Dog & Equipment NFT Minting

LOOTaDOG users will be able to mint their virtual DOG as an NFT. These virtual DOG NFTs, along with collar NFTs and combat equipment NFTs, will all be game assets in the upcoming LAD combat game mode. They can be traded in the secondary market.

Combat Mode

The LADCombat Mode will also have a play-to-own feature. The more users play and win, the more they gain game tokens. In the later phases of the project, these game tokens may be exchanged for altcoins.

Can you tell me more about the modes inside the LOOTaDOG app?

The LOOTaDOG app now has the Walk-to-own Mode and is scheduled to add Combat Mode in the near future.

In the DOG Walking Mode, users will be able to use “Energy” points to own tokens while walking. Every 1 Energy is equivalent to 5 minutes of Walk-and-own.

Note that in the Walk-to-own mode, you need to have a decent GPS signal so you can gain rewards well while walking. The app will need your GPS data to verify your movement.

Sneak peek of the LOOTaDOG app in the Dog Walking Mode

In the later stages of the app, we will introduce Combat Mode. This will include interactive gamified and social components of the App. Here, you and your DOG will be able to participate in two types of matches, namely, the Inner City Match and the Outdoor Match.

The Combat Mode will also reward you with prizes, in the form of LOOTaDOG tokens or NFT badges.

You can share your progress on social media to let others know about the LOOTaDOG app and your Walk-to-own achievements.

What kinds of tokens does LOOTaDOG use and give as rewards to users?

LOOTaDOG has two tokens. We have LADT, the gaming token, and LADC, our governance token. When you use our app, you’ll be able to own LADT first. It will have an unlimited supply. If you reach a certain level, you’ll be able to own LADC, which is more powerful and will have a limited supply.

The two types of LOOTaDOG tokens: LADT and LADC

How can users own LADT and LADC in the LOOTaDOG app?

Users can own LADT or LADC by walking their DOGs and using the LOOTaDOG App at the same time. It is free to start your Walk-to-own journey so anybody can participate!

Once you have completed the initial app setup, you will have “Energy” points, which you can then use to go on “DOG Walking Mode” in the app.

For every minute of movement, you will receive LADT or LADC.

If you’re still starting, you’ll own LADT. This will be for DOG Level 0 to Level 29.

Once you reach Level 30, you’ll be able to choose if you want to keep owning LADT or switch to owning LADC. And you are not committed — you can easily switch between these two owning modes freely, so it won’t be a huge deal.

How much LADT and LADC can users possibly own in the LOOTaDOG app?

The amount of LADT or LADC you’ll gain per minute will depend on four (4) main factors.

  1. Type of DOG. Depending on the type of DOG you have, you may have lower or higher owning potential every time you walk your DOG. DOGs have different “grades.” DOG NFTs have higher grades than the standard DOG that is provided for free within the App.
  2. DOG’s Efficiency Attribute. If your DOG’s efficiency attribute is high, then it can own more LADT or LADC per minute.
  3. DOG’s Social Attribute. The higher the comfort attribute value, the higher the LADT or LADC you’ll own per minute.
  4. DOG’s Speed of Movement. Each DOG has an optimal speed range. If you want to maximise your token gainings, you need to walk your DOG at a speed that’s within this optimal speed range. If you fall below or above it, the tokens you gain will be reduced by up to 90%, depending on the speed discrepancy from the optimal range.

Note that our App will unlock more features in the future, so you can have more ways to own LADT and LADC tokens. As mentioned above, we will even have a Combat Mode later, where you can also own LADT/LADC prizes and exclusive NFT badges.

What is LOOTaDOG’s main mission?

Our primary mission is to get our users to Walk-to-own with us, to improve pets’ lives.

Around 30–60% of owners don’t walk their DOGs. We aim to improve these numbers, boost the overall well-being of these pets, and get them to enjoy happier lives.

By encouraging pet owners to spend time on DOG walking, we also help to improve the physical, social, mental, and emotional health of both these DOGs and their hoomans.

Sneak peek of Dog NFTs in the LOOTaDOG app

How does LOOTaDOG make an impact in the real world of pets?

A portion of Walk-to-own rewards is donated to PetCare Foundation, a charity with complete transparency as all transactions are listed on the blockchain.

In further updates of the App, Pet Owners and Users are also able to purchase pet supplies and arrange for pet services within the App itself. They can either use LADC for these transactions or pay for it by linking their Wallet or Credit Cards.

We dedicate 10% of our NFT minting fees to PetCare Foundation. These funds will provide for necessary pet supplies, cover veterinary costs, help abandoned dogs find a new home, and establish a PetCare Centre.

Where can people learn more about LOOTaDOG?

The LOOTaDOG team is most active on our Discord server. We also tweet updates about our app launch, contests, sneak peeks, and other exciting developments on our project.

To get a more in-depth explanation of what the LOOTaDOG offers, make sure to follow us here on Medium.




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