What Is SBT and Why Is It Taking Over The Gaming Community

4 min readMar 24, 2023


Players like you have grown tired of playing games where the items you work hard to obtain can be easily traded or sold to other players. The constant flow of new items being introduced has also started becoming a problem since it makes your hard-earned gear obsolete in a matter of weeks. Due to these reasons, it’s time to learn about SBT — the game-changer that is revolutionizing the world of gaming at present.

What is SBT?

SBT stands for Soul Bound Token, a game-changing new token that is reshaping the worlds of blockchain and crypto. It’s a brand-new system that allows players to permanently bind their items to their character, preventing them from being traded or sold. This means that the gear you worked so hard to obtain in a game will stay with you forever, making your character unique and powerful.

SBTs are distinct and valuable tokens. Unlike other tokens, SBTs are non-transferable and can only be owned by you, making them truly one-of-a-kind.

How does SBT work?

SBT takes NFT applications to the next level.

NFTs get linked to a blockchain using their unique identification code. This process makes it impossible to replicate or falsify NFTs. But once an NFT is minted to act as an SBT, it becomes non-transferable. SBTs can never be transferred from the player’s soul, which is their private wallet.

SBTs are created through a complex process that involves connecting a player’s soul to a unique cryptographic key. This key is then used to generate a unique digital asset that is linked to the player’s soul, creating an unbreakable bond between the two.

Why would anyone want an SBT?

Owning an SBT means that you have a truly unique and valuable digital asset that can never be duplicated or replicated. SBTs also have practical applications, such as in the world of gaming. They can be used to enhance gaming experiences and make them more immersive.

SBTs are also useful in the world of art and collectibles. You can own a digital artwork that is not only one-of-a-kind but also linked to your soul. This would make the artwork priceless, as it would have a direct connection to its owner.

The Pros and Cons of SBT

SBTs offer truly exciting potential benefits, but just like any other new development, they also come with drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons of SBTs:


Uniqueness and Identity Proof in Metaverse

Each SBT is one-of-a-kind and linked to its player’s soul, making it impossible to replicate or duplicate. This makes SBTs highly valuable and sought-after in the gaming world. the player is able to use SBT to access specific metaverse projects as their identity proof.

Enhanced Gameplay

SBTs can be used to enhance gameplay by providing unique and powerful weapons or items that are linked to a player’s soul. The result is a more immersive and personalized gaming experience.

Creates Connections

The use of SBTs in decentralized power structures enables the establishment of more reliable connections.



SBTs may create a sense of exclusivity in the gaming world, with those who can afford to buy and own SBTs having an unfair advantage over other players.


SBTs are a new concept and may take time to gain widespread adoption and acceptance in the gaming community.

Overall, while SBTs are definitely promising when it comes to all of their benefits to players, they also come with challenges.


LOOTaDOG will officially be entering into a whole new exciting chapter with its adoption of SBTs.


NFT PASS (DOGPASS) can be understood as the brand sells the expected Web3 membership card in advance. The PASS rights are similar to the design of the game PASS pass. The brand side can design a series of rights and interests, which can continue to reward NFT PASS holders as the brand operates, such as giving gifts, airdrops, exclusive discounts on special events and so on. Although from the perspective of rights and interests, it is not much different from the rights and interests design of traditional brands, DOGPASS is NFT after all, and its quantity is limited. Such quantity restrictions will automatically become a membership club threshold. And this is precisely the customer-organizational relationship that brands desperately need.

LOOTaDOG has recently successfully sold 1000 DOGPASS to AllowListed accounts and the general public in just a few hours. Having a DogPass gives you access to a wide variety of services in the LOOTaDOG projects, including pre-own WL for DOG NFT launch, having voting power for next launch products, and more upcoming.

The DogPass is designed to build trust and friendship among members of the LOOTaDOG community. It’s an item that’s suitable for the web3 era, where it’s possible for players to explore new values ​​and experiences.

Know more about LOOTaDOG here: LOOTaDOG

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