LOOTaDOG’s NFT Is Finally Coming: The Genesis DOG NFT Launch — PART 2

6 min readJun 29, 2023


LOOTaDOG’s first ever DOG NFT will be released — the Genesis DOG NFT. Only a limited quantity of NFTs will be available during the first NFT minting event. This article will provide everything users need to know about the upcoming launch, as well as all the benefits and rewards to look forward to.

Genesis NFT Minting Details

There will be 3 Rounds of Genesis DOG NFT Minting.

The “first come, first served” rule will be followed for the minting event. Once the NFTs are sold out, the mint event will end.

Official schedule :

Round 1 = DP Holders = 7/1/23 (UTC 10AM)

Round 2 = DP & AL Holders = 7/2/23 (UTC 10AM)

Round 3 = DP & AL Holders + The Public = 7/3/23 (UTC 10AM)

The mint price will be 0.028 ETH.

Only 1000 NFTs will be up for grabs during the minting event.

Benefits and Rewards for Genesis DOG NFT Holders

  1. An exclusive reward will be given to Genesis NFT holders.

The special reward amount will be calculated based on the user’s DP status, mint achievement rate, and dog ownership.

  • Base LADT — This is determined by DOGPASS status, so DP holders will be rewarded more.
  • Multiplier — This is determined by mint achievement (0–100%) or how many Genesis NFT dogs will be minted.
  • Dog Ownership — This is determined by the number of DOG NFTs minted (1–10 dog NFTs).

The first factor is DOGPASS ownership. DP holders will get a higher reward, so the solution is simple: to get a higher total reward amount, get a DOGPASS before the Genesis NFT minting event!

The second factor is Dog Ownership. The more DOG NFTs a user mints, the higher the reward they’ll get. Thus to get a higher total reward amount, get more DOG NFTs (up to 10)!

This Genesis exclusive reward alone is more than enough to make buying NFTs worth it. The LADT reward can be used to get a strong start with a user’s newly minted DOG NFTs — can be used to feed, enhance their attributes, and more. And those upgrades will help users walk their pets and collect rewards more efficiently!

2. Free Blind Carrier for DP Holders

DP holders with at least 1 Genesis NFT mint can get a free blind carrier. More blind carriers will be gifted if a user has minted at least 3 Genesis DOG NFTs.

  • At least 3 DOG NFTs minted = 1 Blind Carrier Gift
  • At least 5 DOG NFTs minted = 2 Blind Carrier Gifts
  • At least 7 DOG NFTs minted = 3 Blind Carrier Gifts
  • At least 10 DOG NFTs minted = 5 Blind Carrier Gifts

An accessory is guaranteed to be inside the free blind carrier. The blind carrier will be sent to the user after a successful minting. These free gifts are 100% guaranteed to contain the newest and coolest NFT accessories.

3. Increased Daily Walk Time

The instant benefit for having more DOG NFTs is that users can increase their maximum daily walk time. The more DOG NFTs they own, the longer the maximum daily walk time.

  • 1 DOG NFT = 10 MINS. max daily walk
  • 2–4 DOG NFT = 15 MINS. max daily walk
  • 5–7 DOG NFT = 20 MINS. max daily walk
  • 8–10 DOG NFT = 25 MINS. max daily walk
  • 10+ DOG NFT = 30 MINS. max daily walk

Having more walk time every day will give users a chance to spend more time with their dog in walking and also collect more rewards in return.

4. Special Genesis Label

Genesis NFT holders will get a special Genesis label for recognition, and it can be passed on after evolution.

The Genesis label will serve as a permanent reminder that a DOG NFT belongs to the first batch of minted NFTs. It can give users bragging rights and make them proud that they own a Genesis DOG NFT. They will also get to enjoy all the special features and benefits that come with being a Genesis NFT holder.

And the best part is the special label will stay on even if the user decides to turn their DOG NFT into a different dog breed once the evolution feature is available.

5. Voting privileges for DP holders and Genesis NFT holders.

DOGPASS and Genesis NFT holders will get to vote on which dog types will be introduced to the platform.

Since exclusive Discord channels will be created for Genesis NFT holders that meet the criteria, they will get voting privileges for future platform changes and upgrades. And one of them is deciding on which dog types will be introduced! It’s an exciting privilege because users will have a chance to vote for their favorite dog breeds/types.

6. Genesis NFT holders will get a special stake in LOOTaDOG’s total asset value.

Since there will only be 1 round of Genesis NFT minting, this special perk is exclusive to Genesis NFT holders. Sometime this year, LOOTaDOG will begin the allocation of total asset value, which will be based on several factors. Genesis NFT holders will get a high priority score and a special stake in this.

This is definitely the best reward exclusive to Genesis NFT holders. Just by being one of the first to purchase a DOG NFT, users will be given importance during the total asset value allocation. This reward will go a long way and makes every NFT purchase worth it.

Why Mint LOOTaDOG’s Genesis NFT?

There are so many reasons to mint LOOTaDOG’s Genesis NFT, and these are just some of them:

1. Experience next-level gamification.

Exciting features and upgrades will be available after the NFT launch. These will make the gaming experience more enjoyable and out-of-this-world for users.

2. Get Genesis exclusive assets.

There are so many special benefits and perks waiting for Genesis NFT holders. Most benefits are unbelievably useful and generous, making NFTs worth much more than they will pay for.

3. Spend more time with pets.

There are Genesis exclusive upgrades that will help users spend more time with pets, and one of them is the opportunity to increase the daily dog walking limit. With this, users will get to walk their pets more and also gain more rewards and mystery boxes!

4. Create real impact for pets.

10% of the total NFT sales will be donated to pet charities, making every DOG NFT purchase a positive contribution to pet welfare.

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