How a web 3 project is truly helping our pets?

4 min readFeb 9, 2023


Animal-themed NFT projects are still on the rise, but are they making a real-world pawsitive social impact?

Many Web3 projects already exist for pets. Some invite you to bring your pets to the Metaverse, as we do, but it takes on a different approach. Some are into creating 3D avatars for cats, dogs, or likely any other kind of pet.

It’s cute and all, but we were wondering if virtual walks in a virtual park are all they have to offer. We don’t know all the details yet, for sure, but instead of speculating, we wanted to focus on something they haven’t (yet, likely).

Instead of promoting just a virtual universe, we LOOTaDOG are shooting for a project that will impact the real world.

A Promising Partnership

Interestingly, the NFT and crypto space owes a lot of its fame to cats and dogs. Many of them had huge success, and they’re all making a real-world social impact.

We can’t help but applaud our fellows in the Web3 development and NFT space for their creativity and brilliance. To our comrades here, we salute you and say to you, WAGMI (We’re All Gonna Make It)!

But, after some thorough search among real-world pet communities — especially those for dogs — we found a disconnect.

Many dog lovers are actually advocating for dog rescue missions. While some of them may want to take in the concept of gaining rewards by expressing their fondness for pets, many more are pushing for charitable causes.

And this is the main reason we came up with LOOTaDOG. It’s a walk-to-own, play-to-earn app where you can collect points just by walking your dog daily. In partnership with the M&B PetCare Foundation, 10% of all your walk-to-own rewards will be automatically donated to the foundation.

Who Is M&B PetCare Foundation?

The M&B PetCare Foundation is a foundation built to look after abandoned and rescued animals. The foundation is dedicated to ensuring the safety of every animal they encounter and will encounter in the future.

The M&B PetCare Foundation is run by Dr. Charlie Teo, who currently serves as the foundation’s director. Dr. Teo is a world-famous neurosurgeon and has been an animal advocate for years.

Dr. Teo believes that pets, just like humans, deserve to live comfortably in a warm home and with a loving family. He also believes that pets deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

What Does M&B PetCare Foundation Do

The mission of the foundation is to improve animal welfare and save as many rescued pets as possible.

Dr. Charlie built the M&B PetCare Foundation to focus on these areas:

  • Buying animal supplies
  • Paying for necessary medical services or equipment
  • Finding new homes for animals
  • Building an animal service centre for the pet community

The foundation wants to look after every dog in its care and keep them well-fed, safe, healthy, and happy until they find a loving home. Dr. Teo wants to change how the world treats animals in his own little ways, slowly but with a firm goal.

Are Donations Transparent? And How Can We Check Our Own Contribution?

All donations to the M&B PetCare Foundation are recorded on the blockchain, making each transaction completely transparent, accountable, and open to the public. The easiest way to check your contributions is through the LOOTaDOG app itself.

You can view the step-by-step guide in this reference article: How Can I Check My Personal Contributions To PetCare Foundation?

Walk With Us

With LOOTaDOG, you can make a significant contribution to the pet community.

All you have to do is use the app when you walk your dog- simple and easy.

Aside from helping the M&B PetCare Foundation take care of their rescued dogs, you’ll also be doing something good for your own pet- keep it fit, healthy, and happy by walking with it regularly.

Download the LOOTaDOG app right here:

You can also follow us on our social media pages.





You can start making a difference in the lives of pet rescues when you download the LOOTaDOG app today!




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